El estatuto del preembrión, una perspectiva biológica


  • Eduardo Rodríguez Yunta Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile




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Biografía del autor/a

Eduardo Rodríguez Yunta, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Dr. En Biología Molecular y Profesor de Antropología Médica


El término fue introducido por la embriologa A. McLaren, que consideró que hasta el día 14 lo

que hay es un proceso de preparación para las necesidades futuras del embrión que se forma en

el día 15 con la formación del disco embrionario. Ver A. McLaren, Prelude to Embryogenesis,

Human Embryo Research, Yes or No?, London/New York: Tavistock, 1986, p. 12.

Ver E. Marshall, "Rules on Embryo Research Due Out," Science, 265 (1994): 1024-1026.

Warnock Report, Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and

Embryology, Department of Health and Social Security (London, 1984), p. 66.

Ver A. Sutton, "Ten Years After the Warnock Report: Is the Human Neo-conceptus a

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Ver J. C. Cross, Z. Werb, and S. J. Fisher, "Implantation and the Placenta: Key Pieces of the

Development Puzzle," Science, 266 (1994): 1508-1518, pp. 1510-1513.

Ver Ibid., at 1514-1516.

Ver A. J. Wilcox, "Incidence of Early Loss of Pregnancy," New England Journal of Medicine,

(1988): 189-194.

M. Coughlan, The Vatican, The Embryo and the Law (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press,

: pp. 58-77.

C. A. Bedate, and R. C. Cefalo, "The Zygote: To Be or not Be a Person," Journal Of Medicine

and Philosophy, 14 (1989):641-645, p. 642.

D. Gracia, Etica de los Confines de la Vida. El Buho LTDA, 1996, p. 103.

Ibid., p. 116.

Ver J. C. Cross, Z. Werb, and S. J. Fisher, "Implantation and the Placenta: Key Pieces of the

Development Puzzle," Science, 266 (1994): 1508-1518, p. 1509.

C. A. Bedate, and R. C. Cefalo, "The Zygote: To Be or not Be a Person," Journal Of Medicine

and Philosophy, 14 (1989):641-645, p. 644.

Ver N. Wake, T. Seki, H. Fujita, H. Okubo, K. Sakai, K. Okuyama, H. Hayashi, Y. Shiina, H.

Sato, M. Kuroda, and K. Ichinoe, "Malignant Potential of Homozygous and Heterozygous

Complete Moles," Cancer Research, 44 (1984): 1226-1230; S. D. Lawler, and R. A. Fisher,

"Genetic Studies in Hydatidiform Mole with Clinical Correlations," Placenta, 8 (1987): 77-88; y

R. A. Fisher, S. Povey, A. J. Jeffreys, C. A. Martin, I. Patel, and S. D. Lawler, "Frequency of

Heterozygous Complete Hydatidiform Moles, Estimated by Locus-specific Minisatellite and Y

Chromosome-specific Probes," Human Genetics, 82 (1989): 259-263.

Ver R. S. K. Chaganti, P. R. K. Koduru, R. Chakraborty, and W. B. Jones, "Genetic Origin of

a Choriocarcinoma," Cancer Research, 50 (1991): 6330-6333; T. Ihara, K. Ohama, M. Satoh, T.

Fuji, K. Nomura, and A. Fujiwara, "Histologic Grade and Karyotype of Immature Teratoma of

the Ovary," Cancer, 54 (1984): 2944-2988; and K. Ohama, K. Normua, E. Okamoto, Y. Fukuda,

T. Ihara, and A. Fujiwara, "Origin of Immature Teratoma of the Ovary," American Journal of

Obstetrics and Gynecology, 152 (1985): 869-890.

Ver D. P. Barlow, "Gametic Imprinting in Mammals," Science, 270 (1995): 1610-1613.

Ibid., p. 1611.

N. M. Ford, When Did I Begin?: Conception of the Human Individual in History, Philosophy

and Science (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1988): pp. 139-145.

Ver A. E. H. Emery, Elements of Medical Genetics (New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1983),

p. 103.

Ver K. Dawson, Embryo Experimentation (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990): p.

; y K. L. Moore, The Developing Human (Philadelphia: W. B. Sunders Co., 1982), p. 133.

Esta es la opinión de Diego Gracia, Etica de los Confines de la Vida, El Buho LTDA, 1996, p.

Ver R. Yanagimachi, Mammalian Fertilization, en E. Knobil, y J. D. Neill (eds.). The

Physiology of Reproduction (New York: Raven Press, 1988), pp. 135-315.

Ver G. Palermo, S. Munné, J. Cohen, The Human Zygote Inherits its Mitotic Potential from

Male Gamete, Human Reproduction (1994) 9:1220-1225.

El Magisterio de la Iglesia afirma que el ser humano debe ser tratado y respetado como

persona desde el momento de la concepción. Ver Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,

Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation "Donum

Vitae", 1987, 1.




Cómo citar

Rodríguez Yunta, E. (1999). El estatuto del preembrión, una perspectiva biológica. ARS MEDICA Revista De Ciencias Médicas, 28(1), 68–75. https://doi.org/10.11565/arsmed.v28i1.367

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